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Occult Book List

(* Denotes an especially recommended book or author)

Magic and the Occult

Adler, Margot. Drawing Down the Moon. *

Andrews, Ted. * Psychic Protection. *

Belanger, Michelle. * The Ghost Hunter’s Survival Guide.

Belanger, Michelle. * Walking the Twilight Path.

Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac (Yearly Publication)

Myers, Brendan. The Other Side of Virtue. *

Orloff, Judith. The Empath’s Survial Guide.

Parma, Gede. By Land, Sky, and Sea.

Astrology and Divination Fairfield, Gail. Choice Centered Tarot. * Forrest, Steven. The Inner Sky. * Greer, John Michael. The Art and Practice of Geomancy.

Folklore Evans-Wentz, W.Y. The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries

Healing Eden, Donna. Energy Medicine.

Intensive Magic

Brand, Damon. Magickal Servitors

Shamanism or Journey Work

Andrews, Ted. * Animal Speak. *

Matthews, Caitlin. Singing the Soul Back Home

Moss, Robert. Conscious Dreaming. *

Outside of the Occult (but has magical applications)

Brown, Brene. * Braving the Wilderness. Hoobyar, Tom and Tom Dortz with Susan Sanders. NLP: The Essential Guide to Neurolinguistic Programming Kingston, Karen. Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui. Kondo, Marie. The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. * Rubin, Gretchen. The Happiness Project. *

Inspiring (and Magical) Fiction

Coelho, Paul. The Alchemist. *

Gaiman, Neil. * American Gods. * Gaiman, Neil.* The Graveyard Book. Pratchett, Terry. The Tiffany Aching’s Book Series

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